WWCal is a simple and clean app that shows an entire year calendar along with the Week information.

If you use week numbers in your business communications, or at work, or simply trying to book a vacation rental, this app will be very handy.

WWCal supports multiple week formats including ISO 8601 standard, Generic US week format and Vacation week formats with more on the way.

WWCal currently supports 2010, 2011 and 2012 Calendars.

Your feedback and comments are greatly appreciated to improve the usability, functionality and the quality of WWCal.

- Added iPad specific display format and orientation support.
- Added today's Date at the bottom with ISO formatting for ISO week format selection
- Remembers the last week format selection and opens to the same week format the next time app is launched
- Added 2012 Calendars - Now view 2010, 2011 and 2012 calendars
- Added Vacation Friday Calendar that displays weeks that start from Friday and end in Friday (for Friday Checkin and Friday Checkout)